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TranscendAP for Higher Education

Seamless accounts payable automation uniquely designed for universities and colleges.

University Students sitting happily on the campus quad.

Ellucian Banner and Colleague Integrations

At TranscendAP, we understand the unique challenges universities and colleges are confronted with in managing high-volume accounts payable (AP) operations. Our flexible and easily configurable AP automation platform fully integrates with the Ellucian Banner, Colleague, and other ERP systems and applications.

The combination of TranscendAP and Ellucian enables higher education institutions to streamline AP processes and complex workflows.

  • Real-time integration using Ellucian’s Ethos, business, and PL/SQL APIs, ensuring full compatibility with existing systems.
  • Enables commodity and document level accounting.

Sophisticated Invoice Matching, Exception Handling & Escalations

  • Offers direct non-PO Invoice handling and comprehensive support for various PO types, including blanket POs and PO liquidation.
  • Facilitates a de-centralized approval workflow, accommodating multiple organizational entities.

Self-Service Vendor Portal

  • Includes a flexible vendor model that extends to students and employees.
  • Features a vendor portal for streamlined onboarding and self-service invoice management.

Reporting and Approvals

  • Tailored for higher-ed specific processes like year-end financials and academic calendar cycles.
  • Supports university-wide payments and expense requests with a unified invoicing and approval system.
  • Enhances security measures for managing students as vendors.
  • Allows approval reassignment and delegation to ensure continuity.
  • Provides detailed visibility into reconciliation, reporting, and payments for both students and vendors.


  • Enhances security measures for managing students as vendors.

As part of our ongoing partnership with Ellucian, TranscendAP remains committed to supporting the higher education sector, enabling colleges and universities to optimize their AP processes and improve overall efficiency.

Learn how TranscendAP’s AI-powered platform can support your business.